The Rev. Tommy Greer believes that Satan has a shed where he keeps his tools of evil. Addiction, depression, hate, and anger are just a few of Satan’s precious items. Although he has many, one of his favorites is fear.
Fear is the root of most negative human actions and emotions. However, there is one single character attribute that is stronger than fear. It is hope.
OUR COUNTRY – The United States is more politically and socially fractured than at any time in history since 1861. I invite you to watch a few minutes of any political talk show in the evening. You will see nothing but hate, finger pointing, and a total lack of civility.
Our enemies across the globe pay attention to this. Many of them perceive us as weak, materialistic, and crumbling. They see that we are becoming a more secularized society every day. Other countries have viewed the United States as a weak nation before. However, each time it has been at their own peril.
In my law practice, when a case begins to turn in the wrong direction, I immediately stop and step back to the beginning asking for God’s guidance. Oftentimes a different angle will solve the problem.
Our country can do the same. We must seek God’s guidance and look back to those divinely inspired Framers of the Constitution for a solution. There is hope in this scenario. But, it will take strong leadership from brave men and women to get our country back on the path of goodness and prosperity. Those leaders are out there. They must choose hope over fear.
YOU AND I – I have a close friend whose wife is suffering from a traumatic brain injury. Another friend is hospitalized again because of severe alcoholism. In both scenarios the so called “odds” do not appear good from a human power standpoint. But, there is hope. Doctors are wonderful people who have been given the power to heal through training, medicine, and intelligence. But, God has the most powerful role in the process of healing.
I am not saying that everyone recovers from sickness and disease. We all will pass away at some point in time. But, where only fear exists in the reliance on human power alone, hope can take its place in the reliance on God working through humans to heal our sick loved ones.
Many of our people suffer from economic insecurity, problems at home, poor health, and general unhappiness just to name a few. Fear lies underneath these and other personal struggles. Identify the fear and you can find the hope that will overcome.
You and I can also hope for a better life through asking God what His will is for us today. Don’t think about tomorrow or yesterday. Focus on what He would like for you to do right now.
CRMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM – The idea of setting foot in a courtroom for many is just like the idea for me in walking into a hospital. Instant fear. Yet, there is hope for our legal system in Georgia as well. Victims of crimes can begin and continue to heal. Defendants who are in prison or on probation can begin to rehabilitate. Families of victims and defendants can also find healing in the hope of seeking God’s guidance for today.
I have hope for our governor and General Assembly. Gov. Deal and the vast new slate of young lawmakers seem to view government as our Founders did. They have already recently passed laws that cut down on the cost of the criminal justice system, provide rehabilitation for those offenders who qualify, made common sense changes to the evidence code, and have created new DUI laws that provide offenders the ability to work, feed their families, and pay taxes. There is hope for a better Georgia in 2013.
Today, I know that hope is more powerful than fear. It was not always this way for me. I have turned my back on God many times in my life. However, the one single piece of evidence that clearly makes the case for the power of hope is that He has never turned his back on me.