by Jason Swindle | Jan 25, 2013 | Articles
PROFILES IN COURAGE – CLARENCE THOMAS. As a lawyer, it is quite natural to think about whom in my profession I admire the most. For me, it has always been United States Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.Justice Thomas was born on June 23, 1948 in Pin point,...
by Jason Swindle | Jan 16, 2013 | Articles
The Georgia Supreme Court issued a powerful 4th Amendment decision on January 7th where the Court unanimously reversed the Court of Appeals regarding the reach of a judges’ power to issue wiretap warrants.Wiretap warrants are an essential tool for law...
by Jason Swindle | Jan 10, 2013 | Articles
One of the biggest problems that some of our citizens face when they are arrested for a crime is the difficulty in obtaining employment. I have spoken with and counseled hundreds of people who have sought to have their records expunged in order to get on with their...
by Jason Swindle | Jan 2, 2013 | Articles
Our judicial system is based on an adversarial model where the ultimate goal is to find the truth of an underlying disputed matter. Direct examination, cross-examination, and the rules of evidence assist the judge or jury in determining what happened or what needs to...