by Jason Swindle | Apr 27, 2013 | Articles
Wise men have said that “confession of sins is good for the soul.” In a religious or family setting, this is certainly true. However, in the world of criminal justice, offering confessions or admissions of guilt to an investigator can have lifelong...
by Jason Swindle | Apr 16, 2013 | Articles
You have heard me mention in the past that “your home is your castle”. This is one of the foundational principles of living in a constitutional republic. But, what about garages and other attachments to a home?The Georgia Court of Appeals held last month...
by Jason Swindle | Apr 10, 2013 | Articles
Over the past couple of years, Georgia’s criminal justice system has undergone some significant changes. This process of change continues because of the very hard work from people on all sides of the criminal justice debate.Another significant bill passed the...
by Jason Swindle | Apr 3, 2013 | Articles
Last week, I received a phone call from Chief Joel Richards of the Carrollton Police Department. He asked me to participate in a program that I am a little embarrassed to admit I did not know much about. The program was the Citizen Police Academy (CPA).I don’t...