A lady named Carol is best described as Debbie Neal who lives in another state. The two ladies share similar character traits. They acknowledge the inherent damage in being “politically correct” and are happy to tell us about their worldview with a smile.

My Grandfather Papa James would tell me that it was not necessarily an abundance of courage that prompted people like Carol and Debbie to possess these rare attributes. (Although, they are both courageous women). He would just say that “some folks just tell it like it is.”

During our discussions, Carol often begins a sentence with, “In Carol’s World………” This means that if she was “in charge”, the world would only have 12 rules.

Below are The 12 Rules of Carol’s World in her own words:

1. There are no addiction genes. It won’t really be fun to get high (from drugs or alcohol) So, all the death, severe pain, most of all crimes, and problems that come with it, would be non-existent;

2. The budget for our jails and prisons would have our current budget for autism related research and services and vice versa;

3. If the prosecution proves beyond a reasonable doubt that you raped or molested a child, engaged in human trafficking, or physically, medically, or otherwise abused an elderly person unable to care for themselves, or any other atrocity that Carol deems heinous, you will be eligible for the death penalty. If you are convicted and the jury recommends a death sentence, your appeals process will not take 20 years, only 20 months at the most. If you lose your appeal, the penalty would not be administered by medical personnel in an execution chamber. You would be taken outside into the prison yard and shot (by the parents of said child or victim if they are up for it). If the parents or victim declines, the start of the volunteer line opens at the back gate;

4. All hearsay and its exceptions are inadmissible in criminal jury trials;

5. Mental health has the same status as a heart attack or other “real health issues”. Patients are not afraid of disclosing conditions because of the risk of having their constitutional rights taken away, career choices limited, or life opportunities disappear;

6. There are fewer children without loving care and guidance at home (refer to #1), so gang activity and other similar crimes are just not as attractive;

7. There is always enough money for critical government funded necessities such as national defense, a much smaller “safety net” for temporary assistance, and infrastructure because the crime rate is near zero and there are hundreds of thousands of new taxpayers shouldering the heavy burden;

8. National news channels will have to actually report news (reviewed by Carol prior to airing). Political news is limited to 2 minutes /hr. or less. (reviewed by Carol prior to airing);

9. Political advertising on television will not exist;

10. Carol reviews all requests for immigration and deportation;

11. Personal DNA testing is the first scientific discovery made thousands of years ago. Your racial profile is provided when you are born. It shows the number of common ancestors you have with all living humans and that you are comprised of several races throughout time. Since there are no racial issues, you are found to be a bore when starting a conversation about race; and

12. Any issue not raised by the above is decided by Carol.

While I don’t agree with my mother on all her 12 rules, particularly #12, if you take her out of the dictatorship role, many of these ideas are excellent.

Unfortunately, some of the best ones are also unenforceable.

My mother enjoys talking about how to make the world a better place even when I disagree with her.

Feel free to email her at